Wednesday 13 October 2010

Submission Day

After spending last night in the library trying to work out how to connect the printers to the computers so I could print my proposal I ended up giving up! So bright and early I went to the print shop and got them to print it out all nice for me!
Went up to class early - cant be late for a submission!! - expecting that we'd be debreifed (I dont know why I thought that as it hasnt been the biggest landmark) but yes i was actually allowed to drop it off and leave again!
Soo here I am back in the library!
I think we'll get feedback next week which is good so I only have the two submissions for next week to focus on. So until next week other than research there isnt much I can do with this project. Gonna leave it on the back bench for a bit until I finish my others :)

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Class no2

We had our class on Wednesday and since then I've been having a bit of a think. The products I mentioned in class didn't get the response I'd have wanted and I wasn't feeling as keen as previously. So it was back to the drawing board. I had another brain storm and went to see Louise on the Thursday. She discussed an idea of maybe a 2-1 business such as the top shop in London having a men's hairdressers in it, a bit of a lifestyle shop. I went away and had a bit of a think but couldn't shake it up and make it a personal idea I was focused on.
On Friday I had the idea for a mouldable bra. I mentioned it to some of the girls in a hope that if it was a stupid sleep deprived idea they would tell me. It went down quite well so on Friday night I went to the library and looked at some relevant websites. I also ordered a few underwear catalogues in the hope of making sure my product does not always exist and looking at the different types of promotion that came with it.
Today I went to see Paz just for some confirmation that the idea wasn't a flop and it was what the brief wanted.
I have decided to stick with my idea and today I will be looking further into different types of promotion used by brands that would associate with my product. This will be done ready for my seminar tomorrow and I will overview my idea after class.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Bye bye originality

Been watching a bit of the dragons den recently along with my daily viewing of cool hunter and other amazing websites and if its possible to think of something new and exciting i don't think I have the skills!
Apparently my method of thinking of things that annoy me and then finding solutions is what everybody else has been doing! Its becoming more and more difficult to think of things no one else has already done!
Here are a few of my ideas so far;
mascara that wont show up on skin - for all the times I put it on and end up having to take off eyeshadow trying to remove the black spots framing my eyes. This idea also works for nail polish! This would however need a very clever scientist to discover a product that naturally occurs in skin that can break down mascara/nail polish! (maybe i was being dramatic i don't believe this has been done yet - that i can find)
My other idea was an app for British gas to remotely turn items off in the home from the iPhone... not exactly made but it must be in development since I saw an advert yesterday for a version of the same thing (just not an app) for e-on.....
How about a car keyring that tells you when your car alarm is going off? you can't always be just round the corner - apparently cars now text you when they're alarms go off and I bet there isn't a panic stricken spelling mistake in site!
Spray on clothing - already been done was showcased at LWF recently.
Wireless headphones - yes I have been living in the 80's - theses have been around a while apparently!
Anyway I have a few more service related ideas up my sleeve that might be more suitable. I'll see whats said in class tomorrow and choose my finial idea then hopefully!

Wednesday 22 September 2010


Hello world of blogs, this is one of my many blogs however this one will be specifically set up for FM2023 blogs (i hope).

This week was the start of my semester long product development project and wow it looks like there will be a lot of work involved. We are required to show a time line of what we are doing and what ideas we have - I'm doing mine in the form of a blog as I think that blogging is an important aspect of any fashion related business and hopefully it will get me into a routine and aid me in time management!

So, the first part of the project is to brain storm some possible new products. Seems simple enough but with no budget and no idea in which direction to go I have so many ideas buzzing around my head its difficult to choose the good from the stupidly insane! By next week I will have at least 5 possible ideas to work on.

I will have done some back ground research on these ideas and hopefully one of them will become my final idea.....

lets get to work ........